The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three-year plan for Lodi USD that identifies actions and services to increase student achievement.
The LCAP also identifies specific actions and services for English Learners, former English Learners reclassified as English Proficient, foster youth, students from low-income families, and special education students. Input is obtained from students, parents, community members, and employees.
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LCAP 2024-25
Local Control and Accountability Plan for the current school year is available below.
LCAP Archive
Previous LCAP documents are available below in PDF format by year.
Local Control & Accountability Plan 2023-24 resources.
Local Control & Accountability Plan 2022-23 resources.
Local Control & Accountability Plan 2021-22 resources.
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant
The Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (LREBG) was established in response to the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to assist schools serving pupils in the long-term recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including addressing pupil learning, mental health, and overall well-being. The LREBG Interim Expenditure Report is available below.
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant Expenditure Report PDF (English)
ESSER Expenditure Plan
School districts, county offices of education, or charter schools, collectively known as LEAs, that receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds under the American Rescue Plan Act, referred to as ESSER III funds, are required to develop a plan for how they will use their ESSER III funds. In the plan, an LEA must explain how it intends to use its ESSER III funds to address students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs, as well as any opportunity gaps that existed before, and were worsened by, the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Lodi USD ESSER III Expenditure Plan is available below in PDF format.
District Advisory Committee (DAC)
School districts that receive Economic Impact Aid (EIA)/State Compensatory Education (SCE) are required to establish a District Advisory Committee (DAC) and a School Advisory Committee (SAC). The purpose of these committees are to advise the District and schools on compensatory education programs. A school may designate a school site council establishment, pursuant to California Education Code(EC) Section 52852, to function as the school advisory council.
Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 4423 sets forth the obligation that districts who receive SCE funds must establish a DAC.
Section 4423 states: Each participating school district shall establish a district advisory council and shall also establish a school advisory council at each participating school. Advisory councils established pursuant to this article shall comply with the ESEA, Title I, law and regulations pertaining to advisory councils.
Contact Us
For more information on the LCAP, please contact Enhanced Learning at (209) 331-7489.